The CSS -moz-element Mozilla extension property value was introduced in Gecko 2.0 (Firefox 4.0) as a Mozilla extension value for the background-image property.
2017年4月13日 — A lot of Programmers use CanIUse to determine if a particular CSS property is supported in all of the browsers they would like to support. If ...
2023年12月18日 — Firefox supports a number of Mozilla extensions to CSS, including properties, values, pseudo-elements and pseudo-classes, at-rules, and media ...
2017年4月5日 — Here where comes the magic of prefixes. Mainly, the css properties that should be prefixed are the CSS3 new properties like border-radius, ...
2021年6月25日 — ~ Browsers handle css differntly. So moz f.e. is specific for firefox and so on. If you use Sass to create your css, sass will take care of that ...